The world’s best packaging designs for 2015 are here...
Packaging design nerds rejoice, the winners of The Dieline Awards 2015 have been announced and photographed in all their macro hi-res glory.
No Australian brands or design firms found glory this year, but the private label Pams, of supermarket group Foodstuffs, continued its packaging-award-winning-streak by taking out first place in the confectionary category.Editor’s Choice: The Adventurous Blends Of William WhistleUK-based Horse was tasked with creating the name, brand identity and packaging for a “well-travelled and eccentric English tea and coffee merchant”. The concept had to champion exotic flavours from around the world, blending the discoveries of the past with the expertise of today. The agency explained: “The brand has been personified by the William Whistle character, whose expeditions to discover quality ingredients are a playful interpretation of the client’s own travels. Visually, the design is inspired by Victorian-era wanderlust and expresses the brand’s passion for flavour and discovery.” Sustainable: PaperFoam Naturally Clicquot IIIn cooperation with Veuve Clicquot, Dutch design firm PaperFoam BV were able to design Naturally Clicquot II PaperFoam packaging. PaperFoam is made with industrial starch, is bio-based and compostable. The packaging will keep a chilled bottle cool for two hours and can be recycled as with paper.
Student Award: Trident Gum, Packaging Concept by Hani Douaji (UK)
For more package design inspiration, click here to see the rest from Marketing Mag.