The CMO Show: Content curation to optimise your life

When it comes to content marketing there are a few words on everyone's minds: Creation, curation, aggregation and dissemination. On this week's episode of The CMO Show, co-hosts Mark Jones and JV Douglas talk about the impacts of the curation economy and whether or not that age-old adage actually holds any truth: Is sharing really caring?Susannah George, the founder and managing director of The Urban List, also drops by to share her thoughts on how to utilise your content marketing strategy to engage your audience, especially given the projected growth from this sector in the coming year."Content marketing is a massive growth category," Susannah said. "60% of marketers are going to spend more in that space in the next 12 months. What that means is that standard content strategy will not cut it anymore. Any solutions really need to punch way above their weight in order to cut through."For the full version, listen to the show on iTunes and SoundCloud.


The CMO Show production team

Producer - Megan Wright
Design Team Manager - Daniel Marr
Audio Engineering - Jonny McNee
Graphic Design - Chris Gresham-Britt


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