Campaign watch: The insurance company that took Snapchat by storm

Engaging with the ever-elusive millennial audience isn’t easy, but as AAMI Insurance has shown us, it isn’t nearly as difficult as some make it out to be…

A little creativity, adaptability and willingness to experiment – that’s all it took for AAMI Insurance to launch a killer millennial-focused content marketing campaign.

Previously a heavy investor in TV, with well-known campaigns including ‘Rhonda and Ketut’ and ‘AAMI girl’, AAMI Insurance recently made a bold leap into Snapchat content using the platform’s collective ad model, 3V Advertising. started with a campaign that coincided with live coverage of the NBA draft. While Snapchat doesn’t offer official benchmarks, the campaign scored highly for ad view completion rates, unique users and total views.Unsurprisingly, AAMI brand manager, Anthony Russell was thrilled with the results. “We had a great response to our first Snapchat content campaign,” Russell said in a recent interview. “As a channel it has its unique challenges and opportunities but the results show it is possible to break through using fun, engaging content.”The campaign was so well received, the brand has again decided to foray into Snapchat’s territory – this time creating content tied to the popular San Diego Comic-Con. the brand’s rationale for moving to an uncharted advertising platform, Russell expressed his interest in capturing the attention of the mysterious millennial audience.“We understand our audience is fragmenting and the traditional TV audience is skewing older, so Snapchat content gives us the chance to reach young people who aren’t familiar with AAMI,” Russell recently said. “By advertising on Snapchat we’re hoping to engage younger car owners with AAMI benefits that are specifically relevant to them.” campaigns were handled by Edge, the content agency responsible for conceptualising, producing and executing on Russell’s behalf. The agency’s head of strategy, Richard Parker, was happy to divulge that AAMI was one of their first clients to experiment with the budding social platform.“Comic-Con San Diego [the world-famous cartoon convention] is a US event, but it’s got an iconic global reach, which is why we decided to leverage Snapchat’s live coverage to engage with the millennial audience,” Parker recently shared.“It’s still an emerging channel in Australia so we can play with different executions to see what works. This time around we’re testing animation – we figured the best way to appeal to the diverse Comic-Con audience was a bit of overt pop-culture referencing.”Two campaigns in and Russell has acknowledged the learnings the company have been able to take away have been paramount. “We’ve learnt about the importance of serving up relevant and timely content, not advertising,” Russell said.“The campaign wasn’t necessarily about transporting our message, rather, connecting relevant content to something the audience might find valuable.”


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