Filtered Events: Sydney Writers' Festival 2016 in under 5 minutes

Welcome to the Filtered Events series, a place where we curate all the latest and greatest trends, insights and innovations from industry events. This week we’re proud to bring you the lo-down from Sydney Writers' Festival 2016.In a week long extravaganza of ideas and literature, Sydney Writers' Festival 2016 brought together an exhilarating array of authors, writers and word nerds to download their vast and varied talents to a captivated audience.As Jemma Birrell, artistic director of the Sydney Writers' Festival said, "A good festival, like a good book, should bring real-life benefits – joy, solace and a new understanding of the world."Here's a collection of our favourite teachings and learnings from SWF 2016:On modern journalism: creativity and innovation: podcasting: storytelling: 


Flying high: The future of PR is data, and it’s big!


Filtered Events: TEDxSydney 2016 in under 5 minutes