The Digest: Apple Watch, Bondi Hipsters – and print?

All the news that's fit to click. Week of 9th March, 2015

AN APPLE A DAYWhy Apple’s smart watch will win. It’s predicted one in every 20 iPhone owners will wear an Apple Watch by the end of 2015, with market share peaking in 2017.THE CONSUMER’S ALWAYS RIGHTWhat will marketing look like in 2020? In short: transparent and authentic. A Co-create study found consumers will expect more information from brands they use. At the same time, consumers will take over as the primary producers of branded content. Revolution anyone?MIXING POLITICS WITH KALEBondi Hipsters school Malcolm Turnbull in content marketing. Watch this funny video guest starring the Minister for Communications and two boys with beards. Yes, it really is funny.CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANTMarketing trends that will boost your strategy. Digital marketing is a volatile industry. Make your business adaptable to change with these tips to survive the technology uprising.LONG LIVE THE KINGPrint marketing is vintage and vintage is hot. Print is dead, they said. Social media is the future, they said. Well, it’s not entirely true. A few years ago, Forbes predicted a print resurrection. Fast forward and print is still delivering solid ROI for the to the right target audiences thanks to NFC technology and QR codes that bridge the digital/analogue divide.KEEPING UP APP-EARANCESDigital marketers, these apps are for you. If SEO or social media strategy is your thing, watch your productivity balloon after downloading these apps.RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIMEWhy customers want you on Instagram. If your brand isn’t active on at least a few of these social channels (PDF), you’re missing out.DARK SIDE OF THE SELFIEMarketing to a sceptical Gen Z. You’ve mastered your Millennial marketing but the BBC asks how will you connect to a generation born into a world where terrorism’s rife and economic instability is widespread? Hint: Think selfie sticks.WHAT’S A CMO TO DO?Is ‘attention’ the most important metric? You’ve got a dashboard full of numbers but what does it mean? Here’s an opinion worth reading.


The CMO Show - Robert Rose on content marketing success


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