The Digest: When tech met PR, the publisher's pact & how IoT makes cities smart

All the news that’s fit to click. Week of 18th May, 2015

PUBLISHING PACTSAre Facebook Instant Articles a faustian pact for publishers? This week Facebook and nine of the world’s top publishers including The New York Times, Buzzfeed, the BBC and The Guardian launched Instant Articles. What does this all mean for you?NERDY DWELLINGSHow Big Data And The Internet Of Things Create Smarter Cities. Garbage trucks will be alerted to the location of refuse that needs collecting, and sensors in our cars will direct us towards available parking spaces.CLICKETY CLICK CLICKAttention, Content Marketers: Here's How to Write an Amazing Headline (Infographic). Words like ‘magic,’ ‘simple,’ ‘free’ and superlatives like ‘always’ and ‘best’ tend to cause click-through-rates to plummet.THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAIL7 Lessons Learned While Growing Our Blog to 800,000 Visits in 60 Days. Coming up with the best content is about finding an intersection of your passion and your audience’s interests.WHEN TECH MET PR15 Techie Terms & Tools PR Pros Should Know. Some may seem obvious, but if you search your heart, your understanding of them may be more murky than you'd care to admit to.THE END OF TV'S ERAThe numbers are in about how many people are using others' Netflix and Hulu passwords. People are watching less live TV than they used to and ratings are down. Of 18 to 24-year-olds who use a streaming service, 22% are using one that belongs to someone outside of their household.TURF WARSPublic relations and corporate social responsibility. Is public relations is the same thing as corporate social responsibility? Or does PR exist only to help communicate CSR outcomes?


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