So what is the role of PR in marketing anyway?

There are many misconceptions about PR - we spin, we stray from the truth, we talk the talk. I'm sure you have heard it all.So what actually is PR again? It's a question I'm often asked and admittedly it’s one I assume is often loaded.While yes, we love to communicate and focus on positivity, from my experience, most of us in PR are actually advocates of positive awareness and change.Yes, we are storytellers, but we are storytellers who care about people, who care about the power of business for good, and who thrive on seeing others succeed.So what is it we do?No doubt, the role of PR has changed dramatically over the last few years.Beyond traditional media campaigns a big part of our strategy is developing compelling content that tells the brand story, cultivating authentic relationships with influencers, developing and growing a digital community, earning credible media visibility and tying these activities to hard business outcomes.The media landscape is constantly changing and will continue to change, but the following core elements remain:

  • We tell positive stories – and lessen the pain of bad ones.
  • We talk and we listen - to the media, customers, influencers, and clients.
  • We tell the truth – it may not be true of our entire industry, but most of us strive to do this.
  • We shape debate and manage crises.

 The power of storytellingIn my opinion, the world needs communicators, relationship builders and storytellers to help bring people together, to tell powerful, honest narratives and cultivate authentic relationships.Over the last week, the team and I have been privileged to share the story of Sam Terry, a Sydney man who created "", an online tool empowering generous-hearted Australians to offer spare bedrooms to asylum seekers.We told Terry's story and raised awareness through the Sydney Morning Herald, SBS World News, and Radio National, among others.Yesterday, we created a public awareness campaign plan for the promotion of World Diabetes Day for Diabetes NSW, aimed at neutering the staggering growth rate of type 2 diabetes in Australia.Today, we are working with our global health advocate client Vitamix, on how we can help shape and change behaviour around eating more healthy, whole foods in Australia and New Zealand.Next week, we’re inviting Sydney-based media to join International Justice Mission Australia at its Time for Justice Premier’s Breakfast in November to hear how Australia can be part of ending violence like child sexual exploitation, land grabbing, and prostitution in our region.No day in PR is ever the same and like everything in life, PR has its challenges. But when we are asked that question – ‘what is it you do in PR again?’ - perhaps we should answer:We connect. We engage. And hopefully at times, we inspire.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” — Dalai Lama


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