Why your website must be mobile friendly

Are you confident your brand's website is mobile friendly?

You'll want to know because Google has today made some not-so-subtle changes to its mobile-search algorithm. It means websites optimised for desktop computers will be penalised if it's unresponsive when viewed on a mobile device. This change will have a significant impact on the marketing strategy for your brand. Sites that do not appear in Google's index are unlikely to be clicked on, so if you're aiming to increase your traffic, you'll need to play Google's algorithmic game.

To check if your site is truly optimised for mobile, click here and enter your URL. 

Here's a snippet of what The Economist has to say about the changes:

The timing is awkward, to say the least. On April 21st Google, the world’s biggest online-search engine, will start implementing another major overhaul of its mobile-search algorithm. This is likely to penalise many websites, which is why some have called the change “mobilegeddon”. This comes less than a week after the European Union accused the firm's search engine of systematically giving favourable treatment to Google Shopping, its price-comparison service.The latest change is not meant to discriminate against rivals, but demote sites in Google’s mobile-search results that are not deemed “mobile-friendly”. That means, for instance, those that have text too small to read on a smartphone screen, or fiddly links too difficult to open with the tap of a finger, will be discriminated against. “As more people use mobile devices to access the internet, our algorithms have to adapt to these usage patterns,” Google wrote in a blog post in February.

For the full story, click here

*Image credit: ‘Lego Google Logo’ by Cory Doctorow, modified by Filtered Media, is licensed under CC by 2.0. 


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